24 March 2010

I'll give the dog a bath. Seriously. I promise.

--But not after I'm done with this (: --

Answer the questions then put them into urbandictionary.com.

1) Name?
-a smart and beautiful girl with a great personality that brings joy and laughter to people.
isa -bel: derrived from the french word belle, meaning beautiful.
Person 1: "Ugh today is such a blahh day.."
Person 2: "Oh I know! Lets go look for an Isabel! She can cheer us up!"

Yay [:

2) Your age?
-A code word to alert someone that something embarassing is hanging from his/her nose or on his/her mouth.
He had his scrotum pierced, so he couldn't help us roof the garage. Aaron, fourteen. Anyway, ...

That's new.

3) One of your friends?
-Bianca is an italian name meaning fair and white
Bianca's are usually european and gorgeous with big boobs and sexy bodies.
guy 1: wow, look at that girll, shes finee.
guy 2: her name is bianca. she is god's gift to the world :)

BAHAHA I remember this :D

4) What should you be doing?
giving the dog a bath
-whenever you tell you parents you're gonna give the dog a bath. You ask your girlfriend to help. You close the door saying "mom we dont want the dog to get out", then lock it turn on the water and the radio. You then participate in anything you want to do, because you are "giving the dog a bath".
"Hey Megan. Do you mind helping me? Im giving the dog a bath."

Hence the name of this entry...

5) Favorite color?
-Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!

Um. Ok.

6) Birthplace?
-The State Capital of the Philippines.
I went to Manila this summer and it is very humid there.

Blah, that's boring. Getting the next one.

-where da finest bitch are


7) Birth month?
-February is the best month of the year. Its still nice and cold and snowy, but you know that spring is just around the corner if you're tired of all the bad weather. February is also the most unique month. 28 days long,(unless its every four years on a 'leap' year)
Valentines day is also in February. (the fourteenth)It's a fun holiday named after St. Valentine, and it's for cute happy couples. Many single or unhappy peope celebrate the anti Valentines day, ie. Singles awareness day.

People born in February are without a doubt the Cutest, Smartest, and Funniest set of people. If you are born after the 20th, you are also a PICES. This is the best Zodiac sign.
"Kristy is so cute! Shes nice too! How did she get so purfect and talented?"
"She was born in February"

"Eight days till march!"
"No. Nine days till march."
"*shakes head* Silly- this year is a leap year!"

Ain't that a long description.

8)Last person you talked to?
-The woman who loves you unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on above everyone else.

Just telling her your problems makes you feel better because mom's always know how to make it all go away.

Even if you fight, know that she's just looking out for your best interests.
Where would you be without your mom?


9) One of your nicknames?
-Izzy is a midget with amazing hair and a pretty face. She is one of the loudest people you will ever meet and she is very opinionated and will stick by you, no matter what. Izzy is the bestest friend you could wish for.

Depending on the reader, this is surprisingly accurate :|


As you can see, I'm a professional procrastinator.

Yours truly, Isabel.


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