The Authors

We're nice people, so we thought that you'd like to find out who we are just before we get started.

Honey you are the sea,
Upon which I float,
And I came here to talk,
I think you should know.

Well, now.
I've said this in my past few million failed blogs, that this is my *insert big number here* blog, and I promise promise PROMISE that I will continue the blog. And that promise has never really come true.
But, over Facebook and some inside Spanish class jokes that have helped us decide the blog name, Risha and I have decided to do a collab blog. Just 'coz we were failing bloggers. I guess that's something we have in common, other than Asian-ness.
So I guess that means I have to do an introductory post, do I? Risha, you better be reading this. I'll be haunting you 'til the day you have to do your own intro post.

I'm Isabel. Risha says that I stopped doing sports, because I found out how to buy trophies, so now I'm good at everything else that I can just quit sports. Truth is, I was never amazing at sports in the first place, and I never knew you could buy trophies, but I'll take it as a compliment.
I am an A student, though. The only time I had a B for a class average was in 7th grade, and that was just in violin class. Psh. There's a reason why I quit early this year.
I love art, music, fashion design (PROJECT RUNWAY), writing, reading, socializing, drawing and just thinking about the world. Yeah, I'm huge on optimism. I don't like math and despise science, but they're both A's, with science being an A+. Would you ever imagine.
People associate me with being bubbly, crazy, nice, genuine (I hope) and absent-minded. For the so-called "gifted talent" that I have (thank you, Mom and Dad :]) I tend to space out very quickly and go blonde every now and then. Someone right now is probably saying that it's an understatement. 
But, in general, I love life, I guess. I've had a lot of ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I'm huge on originality. Maybe that explains it.
Oh, and my future husband is a Spanish tennis player. He's not winning anything lately. But it's okay. (:
It's not Nadal, FYI.

There. That's me. Or at least, as 'me' as I tried to make it. 
Expect more from me. Actually, don't. You can't expect anything from me these days. :D
Risha's turn (:

Yours truly, 

(c) Isabel, 2010.
(c) "Green Eyes" by Coldplay (A Rush of Blood to the Head), 2002

Hey thurr guyss.
I'm Risha. (:
Get to know me.
Now you know who writes more and who doesn't. 

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